eibe - Look to the Future Now...

There has never been a more important time for the public to support their local playground and for governments to ensure that play provision is optimised. The planet's ghastly pandemic has minimised our ability to play outside and restrained our natural free spirit. eibe believes action is needed...

1. THE JOY OF LIFE: Playing sports and enjoying physical exercise are elementary components of everyday life for all human beings. We must promote wellbeing, especially in public spaces and within children.

2. HEALTH: Physical activities and play should be practised outside and bring joy and benefits for to our general existence.

3. PREVENTION: Outdoor exercise is beneficial for individuals everywhere, regardless of age. Society as a whole can benefit from fresh air fun and prevent the effects of ill-health.

4. PROTECTION AGAINST INFECTION: Compared to indoor exercise, the open air has a direct influence on the epidemiological factors we are currently facing.

5. DEVELOPMENT: Playgrounds enable children to develop their cognitive, social and physical skills.

6. SOCIAL ASPECTS: Play has an enormous impact on social well-being and crucial integration. It helps to promote positive social behaviour.

7. CLIMATE PROTECTION: Frequenting your local playground is environmentally supportive. No harmful fuel, just boundless personal energy.

8. PRIORISATION: The health and future development of society’s youngest members should be a priority. Reducing budgets now and investments in social and health related areas will have catastrophic repercussions.

Allowing for all social distancing and government guidelines, let’s get playing again. Let's win.