eibe Swings into Action

Denham Country Park is one of three glorious public recreation areas run by the Bucks Country Parks team.

Over the years, eibe has partnered with Commercial & Customer Officer, Amanda Mulholland, to effect two new play projects; one at Langley Country Park and another at neighbouring Black Country Park.

Thanks to the successes of those schemes, Amanda got back in touch recently to request an addition to the existing playground at Denham. The play area is part of a beautifully landscaped park near the Grand Union Canal, where the river Colne and river Misbourne flow freely. It is a great place to wander around and explore the surrounding countryside, or walk to the picturesque village of Denham.

It was a specific product that the specialist Country Park team (part of Buckinghamshire County Council) were after. It was also one of our most popular and traditional items. The Unique Junior Swing Set can be seen all round the UK, ideal as an add-on product and can be used by two children at the same time. At a cost of just £5,000, the swing was installed onto a Sunken Bark Pit and ready to use for the busy summer holidays.