Snoxhall Viva!

The ever-popular Snoxhall Play Area in Cranleigh is raring to go again with the added bonus of some brand new items - courtesy of eibe Play...

It certainly felt like there was added independence on Saturday 4th July for everyone associated with the Snoxhall Fields Play Park. Freedom, exercise and vitality will all be in abundance this summer, as the park re-opens with a brand new look and feel.

The eibe team were delighted to be involved from the outset of the mini-tender process and worked alongside Clerk to the Council, Beverley Bell, to produce a great looking playspace that will be enjoyed by locals throughout the school holidays and beyond. 

Adding to the already well-stocked area, the eibe team installed a Snake Swing, 30m cableway, Inclusive swing and some new Picnic Benches - all on to bonded mulch. The £30,000 scheme was officially opened on Independence Day. No star spangled banners, but a lot of hope and expectation!